Photo/Video Gallery
This page has been created for educational purposes. Our patients have provided consent for display of all images and videos. New images and videos will be uploaded monthly.
- DIEP (own tissue)
- Revision DIEP surgery
- DIEP augmentation with implant
- Implant Reconstruction
- Staged Expander-Implant
- Direct to Implant
- Implant Revision Surgery
- Combination own tissue (Latissimus Dorsi) & implant
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Augmentation & Lift
- Revision Breast Augmentation Surgery
- Breast Asymmetry
- Tuberous Breast
Implant Removal/Explant
(en-bloc removal of recalled/textured implants) - Implant Removal/Explant & Replacement
- Mommy Makeover
- Tummy Tuck
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Brachioplasty
Bilateral Breast Mound Revision with Removal of both Nipple-Areola Complexes, Bilateral Pectoralis Major Muscle Release and Conversion to Round, Smooth-Walled, High-Profile 450cc Silicone Implants

5 years post Bilateral Nipple-Sparing Breast Reconstruction with Anatomic, Textured, High-Profile 430cc Silicone Implants

2 weeks post revision surgery (details of surgery in caption title)
Bilateral Nipple-Sparing Mastectomies and Direct to Implant Reconstruction with Synthetic Mesh and Round, High Profile, 380cc, Smooth-Walled Silicone Implants'.
Before Operation

11 months post-operative

Animation Deformity with Submuscular Implants- Conversion from below to above muscle
365gm submuscular implants with animation deformity
upsizing to 490cc implants and conversion to subglandular (above muscle) plane


8 Days Post-Op
Bilateral Subglandular (above-muscle) Augmentation with Moderate Plus Profile Silicone Gel Implants, Right - 370cc Left - 350cc

1 Year Post-Op
Bilateral Subglandular (above-muscle) Augmentation with Moderate Plus Profile Silicone Gel Implants, Right - 350cc Left - 370cc

Bilateral Subglandular (above-muscle) Augmentation with Moderate Plus Profile Silicone Gel Implants, Right - 465cc Left - 440cc

1 Year Post-Op
Bilateral Subglandular (above-muscle) Augmentation with Moderate Plus Profile Silicone Gel Implants, 350cc
Vicryl mesh support of the implant, alternative to Acellular Dermis
After Mastectomy and placement of implant & supportive mesh
Incision markings before Nipple-Sparing mastectomy
After Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and trialing of implant sizers
Bilateral Nipple-Sparing Mastectomies and Direct to Implant Reconstruction with Synthetic Mesh and Round, High Profile, 380cc, Smooth-Walled Silicone Implants'.
Before Operation

11 months post-operative

Bilateral Nipple-Sparing Mastectomies and Direct to Implant Reconstruction with Synthetic Mesh and Round, High Profile, 490cc, Smooth-Walled Silicone Implants.
Before Operation

9 months post-operative


Post-Explant & Replacement


Post-Explant & Replacement

Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck & Liposuction
Before Operation

11 months post-operative